The Faces of Youth

A friend, Mr. Diggles, just posted this on his site and I had to heist it and put it here too.  Aside from the humor in this video, and maybe some troubling insights (but which I think are just kids being kids), it’s remarkable b/c it’s so visually well done.  At first I guessed it was something Jill Greenberg was up to given the lighting, but it turns out it was done by the photographer, Robbie Copper.  Originally posted at NY Times’ site (here).  There’s a text on Robbie Copper’s site explaining the project in further detail, which has much more depth than just this short video, worth reading if your interest is piqued.

video: ©Robbie Cooper.

Great stuff.

photo: from Immersion series. ©Robbie Cooper.

One Response to “The Faces of Youth”
  1. Brandon D. says:

    That’s pretty interesting. It reminds me of recordings of youths by portrait photographer Rineke Dijsktra.

    (FYI: These videos aren’t as great of quality)