A Polaroid a day for 19 years

Randomly, an Aunt in Canada sent me this link that she’d heard of; it’s the collection of a man (Jamie Livingston) who took a Polaroid a day for 19 years, right up until the day he died.  It’s a beautiful testament to photography and to keeping your eyes open in life.

See it, here.  (And I suggest clicking on the new version where you can zoom and pan 5 year blocks at a time).

photo: screen shot from http://hughcrawford.addresszero.com/

Or for a nice review/summary on it you can go, here.

2 Responses to “A Polaroid a day for 19 years”
  1. jw says:

    I wonder if the shock of Polaroid discontinuing its instant film is what made him kick the bucket?

  2. I’m inspired to take out my Polaroid camera and organize a Polaroid shooting frenzy with random peeps in Portland….

    too bad you are going to miss the Halloween festivities in NoPo this year!
    I shall shoot plenty of Julian Tulip and the rest of the crew!

    thanks again,
