Vik Muniz

My friend, Kelly, sent me this video of Vik Muniz speaking for TED (which are often excellent talks if you’ve never seen them).

It’s welcome relief, and also I think rare, in the visual arts to see someone do work that is thoughtful and technically interesting but moreover that is inspired with humor.

Nice start to the day.

3 Responses to “Vik Muniz”
  1. Kelly says:

    I also thought it was relevant to you because he did a series on “Found Objects,” that I think is quite funny and it made me think about your artifacts – in particular the shriveled condom.

  2. akkas says:

    your site doesn’t have a contact us?
    i wanna send u some of mine too
    give an adress or something pls
    u will like it they are different:)
    i am a photographer

  3. Canvas Art says:

    great Video – i love that rustic setting too – i think you should keep looking – your blog is fabulous