Portrait: the painter, Lisa Solberg

I was in LA recently and had an extra day and the chance to meet up w/ the painter, Lisa Solberg.  We talked about art and book clubs and mexican food and schizophrenia and LA vs NYC and ski racing and light and taking things far and further and then further still.

We also had the chance to take her portrait:

photo: Lisa Solberg, LA, 2010. ©Graeme Mitchell.

photo: Lisa Solberg, LA, 2010. ©Graeme Mitchell.

And a gawldamn-good painting by Lisa:

painting: Land Red Down, 101×80,” by Lisa Solberg

2 Responses to “Portrait: the painter, Lisa Solberg”
  1. Patrick M says:

    Holy shit, dude, that first portrait is AMAZING

  2. jw says:

    nice man, looks great!