NYC Journal 52

photo: ©Graeme Mitchell, 2008

photo: ©Graeme Mitchell, 2008

photo: ©Graeme Mitchell, 2008

photo: ©Graeme Mitchell, 2008

photo: ©Graeme Mitchell, 2008

photo: ©Graeme Mitchell, 2008

photo: ©Graeme Mitchell, 2008

photo: ©Graeme Mitchell, 2008

photo: ©Graeme Mitchell, 2008

photo: ©Graeme Mitchell, 2008

photo: ©Graeme Mitchell, 2008

5 Responses to “NYC Journal 52”
  1. annie says:

    Wow, for some reason this set struck me more than usual. I think maybe the mood of the first shot snapped me into a different state of mind.

    Nonetheless, Heels is nifty, and I like the last two, seen in close proximity. 🙂

  2. jw says:

    looking good graeme, I think you have hit your stride on your street stuff. Nothing ever feels forced or contrived anymore. Completely natural.

  3. admin says:

    @annie, that first picture interested me a lot, so I’m glad to hear someone else respond to it. I love that stuff and have actually been thinking of starting a more succinct landscape project. We’ll see.

    @jw, that is a very big compliment. Very big. Thank you.

  4. Well said!

    Well shot!

    If I had my own blog, you’d be the first guy that’d write a long, nerdy “rant” about. You definitely deserve it! Thanks for giving so much to the art/photography community!

  5. Oops… my comment was meant for the “NYC Journal 53, and on letting go” post, LOL!