Bill Brandt and Francis Bacon

Brandt’s portrait of painter Francis Bacon has always left me speechless.

photo: Francis Bacon © Bill Brandt, 1963.

5 Responses to “Bill Brandt and Francis Bacon”
  1. Kristin says:

    … and Beautiful primrose hill

  2. tRuth says:

    this photograph makes me uneasy as if i have eyes in the back of my head. the light is so rich, so meddled with. the lamppost slays me continuously.

  3. B Pincombe says:

    This, yes. Did Photography mean more then because there were great artists working? The evidence remains. Today, the evidence is harder to see.

  4. hey says:

    what is the name of this photograph?

  5. Brandon Ham says:

    i love this picture fella.